Privacy Policy

DigiTown respects the privacy of each individual who visits this website and is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This privacy statement outlines what information we collect about you, how we use it, and to whom we disclose it. Additionally, it indicates your rights in relation to any data we may have about you.

You can visit this website without providing any personal information, and you only need to do so if you submit an application, make an inquiry, or another request related to our operations. Your personal information, which includes name, address, contact information, and other essential details, is used solely in connection with our business and to respond to your query, application, or other requests

By using this website, you agree that your personal information may be collected and used in the ways described in this policy. We will update this page if there are any modifications to this policy.

Any information that you give to us through this website or in any other way may be added to our database. Occasionally, we may send you mailings that you have requested or that we feel may interest you or are relevant to your activities. Such mailings may include newsletters, updates, details about our projects and programs, and invitations to our various events.

If necessary, we may use your personal information for administrative purposes to enhance our marketing activities of delivering information that could be of your interest. This can imply the disclosure of your personal information by us to selected third parties.
We will take all the necessary actions to protect your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any data you communicate to us online, as no data transfer over the internet is 100% secure.

When you visit our website, the servers that host it may automatically store certain information about you, including your domain name, IP address, operating system, and browser. We may use this information to track who has visited which pages; this may be done to improve our website.

Hypertext links on this website may lead to other websites, but we have no control over those websites and their content and accept no liability in relation to them. In such cases, you should read the privacy policies available on those websites.

When requested, we will delete personal information from current operational systems where it is no longer necessary. However, some legal and regulatory requirements may require us to keep some information about you after the end of your relationship with us.

We will take all the necessary actions to keep your personal information accurate and up to date. If you think that any of your information we hold is incorrect, please contact us. You also have a right to ask for a copy of the personal data that we hold about you; if you would like to do so, please contact us.

If you have any questions or concerns about how we use your personal information, or if you want to get in touch with us regarding this policy, please send an email to [email protected]